Hey there! Are you tired of scrolling through your Reddit feed only to be bombarded with posts from certain subreddits that you just don't want to see? We've all been there, and luckily, there's a solution! In this blog post, we're going to show you how to block specific subreddits on Reddit, so you can customize your feed and focus on the content that truly interests you. Whether you're looking to avoid certain topics, minimize distractions, or create a more curated browsing experience, we've got you covered.

But that's not all! We understand that there might be instances where you come across a subreddit that violates Reddit's rules or contains inappropriate content. In such cases, it's important to take action and report the subreddit to the Reddit moderators. In this blog post, we'll also guide you on how to report a subreddit on Reddit. We'll explain the steps involved and the proper channels to use to ensure your report is received and addressed appropriately.

Block Subreddits Using the Old Reddit

If you're using the old Reddit layout and want to block specific subreddits from appearing in your feed, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Reddit: Launch your web browser and visit www.reddit.com. Make sure you're logged in to your Reddit account.

  2. Access Preferences: In the top-right corner of the Reddit page, you'll find your username. Click on it to open a dropdown menu, and then select "Preferences."

  3. Navigate to the "Content Options" section: Within the Preferences menu, you'll see various tabs. Look for the tab called "Content Options" and click on it to access the relevant settings.

  4. Locate "Don't show me submissions after I've upvoted/downvoted them": Scroll down the Content Options page until you find the option that says "Don't show me submissions after I've upvoted/downvoted them." Enable this option by checking the box next to it. This setting helps Reddit filter out posts from subreddits you've interacted with, effectively reducing their visibility in your feed.

  5. Save your changes: After enabling the "Don't show me submissions after I've upvoted/downvoted them" option, scroll down to the bottom of the Preferences page and click on the "Save options" button. Your preferences will be saved, and the changes will take effect immediately.

  6. Take advantage of upvoting/downvoting: To further enhance the filtering of unwanted subreddits, remember to actively upvote or downvote posts from subreddits you want to block. Reddit will learn your preferences based on these actions and adjust your feed accordingly.

That's it! You've successfully blocked specific subreddits using the old Reddit layout. Enjoy a more tailored browsing experience without the distractions or content you're not interested in. Remember that these settings are specific to the old Reddit layout, so if you switch to the new Reddit, you'll need to follow a different set of instructions.

Use a Website Blocking Extension

If you prefer using a website blocking extension to block specific subreddits on Reddit, here's a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Choose a website blocking extension: There are several browser extensions available that allow you to block specific websites or domains. Popular options include BlockSite, StayFocusd, and LeechBlock. Choose one that is compatible with your browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox) and suits your needs.

  2. Install the extension: Visit the extension's website or find it in your browser's extension store. Follow the instructions provided to install the extension on your browser. This usually involves clicking on the "Add to Chrome" or "Add to Firefox" button and allowing the extension to install.

  3. Access the extension settings: Once the extension is installed, you'll typically find its icon in your browser's toolbar. Click on the icon to open the extension's settings menu.

  4. Add Reddit to the block list: Within the extension's settings, look for an option to add websites or domains to the block list. Enter "reddit.com" or the specific subreddit URL (e.g., "reddit.com/r/unwantedsubreddit") and save the changes.

  5. Customize blocking settings: Explore the extension's settings to customize the blocking behavior to your liking. You may have options to block the website completely, set time restrictions, or create personalized blocking schedules.

  6. Test the blocking: Open a new tab or window and try accessing the blocked subreddit. It should now be inaccessible, and you'll be redirected to a designated blocked page or a blank screen.

  7. Adjust as needed: If you change your mind or want to unblock a subreddit in the future, revisit the extension's settings and remove the relevant entry from the block list.

By using a website blocking extension, you can effectively block specific subreddits and regain control over your browsing experience. Experiment with different extensions to find the one that best suits your needs, and enjoy a Reddit feed that aligns with your interests and preferences.

Use Reddit Premium to Block Subreddits

If you have a Reddit Premium subscription, blocking specific subreddits becomes even easier. Here's how you can use Reddit Premium to block subreddits:

  1. Subscribe to Reddit Premium: If you haven't already, you'll need to subscribe to Reddit Premium. This subscription provides you with additional features, including the ability to block subreddits.

  2. Access your account settings: Log in to your Reddit account and click on your username in the top-right corner of the page. In the dropdown menu, select "User Settings" to access your account settings.

  3. Navigate to the "Feed Settings" tab: Within the User Settings page, you'll find several tabs. Look for the tab labeled "Feed Settings" and click on it to access the relevant options.

  4. Locate the "Subreddits" section: Scroll down the Feed Settings page until you come across the "Subreddits" section. This section allows you to manage the subreddits you want to block.

  5. Add subreddits to the block list: In the Subreddits section, you'll see a text field where you can enter the names of subreddits you want to block. Simply type in the names of the subreddits you wish to exclude from your feed. You can add multiple subreddits by separating them with commas.

  6. Save your changes: After adding the subreddits to the block list, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "Save Options" or "Apply" button. Your preferences will be saved, and the changes will take effect immediately.

  7. Enjoy your filtered feed: With the blocked subreddits added to your preferences, you'll no longer see posts from those subreddits in your feed. Reddit will tailor your browsing experience to your liking, showing you content from the subreddits you enjoy.

Reddit Premium provides a convenient and straightforward way to block specific subreddits, enabling you to focus on the content that aligns with your interests. By customizing your feed, you can make your Reddit experience more enjoyable and engaging.

Control What You See on Reddit

Are you tired of seeing unwanted content on Reddit? Well, you're in luck! In this blog post, we'll show you several methods to take control of what you see on Reddit and create a more personalized browsing experience. Whether you want to block specific subreddits, filter out certain topics, or customize your feed to match your interests, we've got you covered. From using website blocking extensions to leveraging Reddit Premium, we'll explore various techniques that empower you to curate your Reddit journey. Say goodbye to irrelevant posts and distractions, and say hello to a tailored Reddit feed that truly reflects your preferences. Let's dive in and discover how you can take charge of your Reddit experience!